Exam competence vs exam game – an introduction

Dec 01, 2024
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To illustrate the difference between exam competence and examination technique in practice, consider this question:

Brian Johnson, aged 56 years, presents post skin excision wanting to make a formal complaint about a keloid scar. What non-pharmacological management actions are appropriate? Write four (4) answers.

(Maximum Score = 4 marks)

  • Offer apology (1 mark)
  • Arrange for Brian to see your colleague (1 mark)
  • Discuss option of referral to state Health Complaint Entity (1 mark)
  • Discuss option of referral to AHPRA (1 mark)
  • Signpost to practice complaints pathway (1 mark)
  • Engage in open disclosure (1 mark)
  • Arrange for Brian to see practice manager (1 mark)


If you were to answer:

  • listen carefully, offer apology and document concerns
  • examine keloid scar
  • call medical indemnity insurance
  • arrange a re-excision

You would score 0.5 marks – despite your answer being medically correct and appropriate.


How can this be so?

Well almost all the above does not feature on the grid – only “offer apology” scores 1 mark. But because you have overcoded twice, your final score would be 0.5 marks.

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