What comes up in the AMC MCQ Exams?
Apr 15, 2024Did you know that what can come up in the AMC MCQ is very long? Take a look at this list, from the AMC:
INTEGUMENT / DERMATOLOGY May include: common disorders of skin, dermatology, subcutaneous tissues; burns, wounds and wound healing, plastic and reconstructive surgery.
HEAD AND NECK / ENT May include: ophthalmology, head and neck, otorhinolaryngology, pharynx, salivary glands.
NERVOUS SYSTEM / NEUROLOGY May include: brain, cranial nerves, cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, regional anaesthesia and autonomic nervous system.
MUSCULOSKELETAL / ORTHOPAEDICS / RHEUMATOLOGY May include: bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, physical medicine, trauma, geriatrics, rehabilitation.
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM / HEART / VESSELS May include: heart, circulation, hypertension, haemorrhage, shock, pericardium, great vessels, peripheral arteries, veins, lymphatics.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM / LUNGS / CHEST WALL May include: respiration, mechanics of gas exchange and transport, lungs, bronchial tree, mediastinum, chest, chest wall.
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM / ABDOMEN / ABDOMINAL WALL May include: digestion and excretion, oesophagus and diaphragm, stomach, duodenum, small bowel, colon, appendix, rectum, anus, perito-neal cavity, acute abdomen, liver, biliary tree, pancreas, pelvic floor, perineum, abdominal wall, her-nias, inguinoscrotal region.
BREAST / ENDOCRINE SYSTEM May include: breast, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, calcium, bone metabolism, adrenal, diabetes and pancreatic islets, gut hormones, neuroendocrine interactions, metabolic responses to injury.
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM / OBSTETRICS GYNAECOLOGY May include: female reproductive system, disorders of uterus, tubes, ovaries, vagina, fertility, contraception, hormones, menstruation, obstetrics, pregnancy, labour, abortion, eclampsia, obstetrical haemorrhage, menopause, pelvic infection, vaginal discharge, pruritus, gynaecological malignancies.
HAEMOPOIETIC SYSTEM / HAEMATOLOGY / BLOOD / BLOOD PRODUCTS May include: blood cells, proteins, blood products and transfusion, fat embolism, bone marrow and blood production, coagulation and anticoagulation, haemolysis, haemostasis, bleeding disorders.
RENAL SYSTEM / UROLOGY / MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM May include: fluid and electrolyte renal homeostasis, nephrology, renal function, urology, urinary collecting system, disorders of kidneys, bladder, prostate, male reproductive system, disorders of testis, epididymis, penis.
MENTAL STATE / INTELLECTUAL FUNCTION / BEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS May include: mental deficiency, personality disorders, psychosomatic and psychosocial problems.
MAJOR PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS / DRUG & ALCOHOL ABUSE May include: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychosis, organic brain disorders, alcoholism, substance abuse.
NORMAL AND ABNORMAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT / CHILD HEALTH / PAEDIATRICS May include: genetics, embryology, normal growth and development, errors of development, child health and paediatrics.
NUTRITION / METABOLISM May include: metabolism and nutrition, normal fluid and electrolyte balance and disorders, acid-base balance and disorders.
INFECTIOUS DISEASES May include: bacterial infectious diseases, parasites, viruses and viral disease.
CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY May include: physiological regulation, pharmacology and pharmacokinetic, psycho-pharmacology, therapeutics, synaptic transmission, toxicity and poisoning.
CLINICAL ONCOLOGY May include: histology and ultrastructure, disordered cell growth, degeneration, calcification, neoplasia, medical and surgical oncology, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy.
CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY May include: lymph nodes and lymphatics, immunology, transplantation, spleen and reticulo-endothelial system, allergy, immune deficiency disorders.
CRITICAL CARE / ANAESTHESIA / EMERGENCY MEDICINE May include: general, regional and local anaesthesia and analgesia, consciousness, pre- and post-operative care, perioperative pain relief and complications, trauma, emergency medicine, intensive care.
GENERAL PRACTICE / PUBLIC HEALTH May include: community, family and hospital medicine, general practice, demography, statistics, public health, informatics, social and preventive medicine, forensic and legal medicine, health economics and ethics.